Hi, I’m Paige!

I’m a mom of two and a military spouse with a passion for running with my kids.

My jogging stroller saved my life.

After suffering through my second pregnancy loss while my husband was away at U.S. Army Basic Combat Training, I felt devastated, alone, and without a sense of purpose. I knew I needed something to focus on that would improve my mental health so that I could still be a good mom for my toddler. Several days later, I bought a jogging stroller, and I haven’t been the same since.

I’ve learned a lot in my short journey of being a mom.

After a cross-country move, an unmedicated birth (something I never thought I would do!), integrating into military life, and so many other ups and downs along the way, I’ve learned a lot as a mom. I’ve made mistakes I hope to help you keep from repeating, and I’ve experienced many beautiful moments that remind me how fortunate I am to be able to be on this journey of motherhood.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I actually believe He saved me by leading me to get my jogging stroller. I cannot describe the freedom, relief, and joy I felt once I started to run with my daughter. I found a way to get outside, clear my mind, and exercise my body while still caring for my child, which was incredibly healing.

I believe every area of our lives impacts the others. I am passionate about helping moms become the healthiest they can be physically, mentally, spiritually, and relationally so that they can thrive in motherhood while not losing themselves. I know not every mom is meant to be a runner. I hope that you will find whatever it is that helps you feel like yourself again while relishing in the joy of motherhood despite the tough times.

I share my experiences not as an expert but as a young mother in the trenches, figuring out this messy life alongside you. I believe we are not meant to raise our kids alone and that we grow immensely when we mother together. We make each other better. Will you join me?

family of four looking at newborn baby

When I’m not exercising, you can find me reading a book, attempting to bake yummy sourdough, or spending time with my two beautiful daughters and amazing husband while trying to beat the Texas heat.